
Portrait Save
Race: Tropical Harpy
Age: Looks in her early twenties.
Gender: Female
Height: average for elf
Eyes: Chromatic mix

Harpies known as ugly female looking avian creatures who use their magical captive songs as luring tool to ambush their victims.
Although, rumors abounded of beautiful harpies found in tropical lands that boasted the colorful plumage of parrots or other birds of paradise. Unlike their ugly cousins, tropical avians appear hauntingly beautiful, gorgeous and impossibly alluring.

This female creature is stunningly beautiful, all about her seems perfect, angelic face and forms that attract attention of.. just about anyone who might have luck to be around. Her silken smooth skin adorned with softiest pink and blue feathers, especially abundant on her luxuriant tail. Her hair long and silken soft, not made of feathers as some might think. Her chest might not be too imposing, but perfectly shaped and handful, soft and perky. Her fertile hips nicely widened and sway tantalisingly, alluring and captivating. Plump round rear often hidden under her tail, yet it's perfect shape only teasing onlookers to try to see the full shape of her perfectly formed bum.
Her thighs are thick and strong, flowing down into bird like legs, which is certainly missed by hungry gaze, as well as sharp talons of her claws on her hands and legs.

Though, after a few moments of chatting with her... it might become obvious that she isn't the brightest mind around...

Harpy Song: Unlike her evil and savage cousins, Tropical Harpies use their voice to lure possible mates. Their ration almost fully consist of tropical fruits and they very rarely indulge into carnivore feasting. Their song is very hard to resist, much harder than usual harpies, their beautiful bodies and voice make any weak willed minds loose their head and fall into charm of their voice.

Dominating Song: DC 44 on will, work as Dominate Person.

Lust Song: DC 48 on will, emanate aura of lust that causing anyone to become aroused if failed to protect their minds, the level of arousement choosed by harpy if she succeeded on charming her victim.

(Feel free to ignore or "fail" these saves, not going to force it on anyone.


Lights: She have her story and way of RPing, also I wouldn't list all kinks here because it hugely depends on person(s) I play with.

Red: Usual server ban stuff. May depend on the mood. If I feeling uncomfortable with something I will tell you.

Yellow: Characters without description and portrait.

Green: Good RP most of all, I would RP all what not listed in reds, yet she have her own likes and dislikes.

Tell friendly. Ask, if you have quistions about her and I will try to answer.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf