Bogdana Dragonslayer

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[Fantasy character (Dragonslayer)]

Tell friendly, but idiot intolerant.

You left your mountain home seeking an end to the dragon problem your clan was facing. The honor of your clan means nothing if you can't bring an end to this menace.  The desire to earn the respect of your people motivates you to deeds of valor, but not nearly as much as killing the damned wyrms infesting your homeland.

Race: Goblin
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Eyes: Black
Hair: Raven Haired
Height: 3' 5"
Weight:  65 lbs
Measurements: Mae West equivalent shape (no idea what that would be for a 3' 5" goblin, though).  Just think "toned" yet "voluptuous" :o)

"I only healed you so's I don't gots to trip over your dead an' rottin' ass on the way out!"




REDS: rape
Player:Btara Ktahn
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Gnome