
   This woman stands at about five and a half feet without her antlers. The skin of her face is of a pale grey color that can't be natural or healthy. Her eyes are a of a vibrant crystal-green that you almost expect to glow in the dark. The skin of her face is smooth and it has the general structure of an Elf, with the alteration of fuller cheeks. She has pointed ears, but they don't seem shaped like an elve's.

   Her left eye appears to have been frozen in place as if it was wide in fear. If one were to take a closer look at it, the skin just around the eye appears to have been turned to stone of about the same color of her skin. Her other eye is untouched by this and makes all the regular movements. Were she to open her mouth, which she does regularly while talking, there would be some decently sized razor-sharp fangs in place of her upper canine teeth. In place of her bottom there are smaller fangs pointing upwards. Somehow this doesn't cause her mouth to constantly bulge. Her tongue appears to be serpentine, which is also visible when she speaks.

   Upon the sides of her head, about an inch above her ears, there are two antlers look very much like they belong on a moose or buck. The antlers are bone white, and the branches jut out in all directions with dark gouge lines in them that look like they came from claws. Her neck is covered in thick dark blue fur.

   Down her body further, well it looks like she is decently endowed, but it is hard to tell with her stuffed in her dress. Her arms appear to be slender, and her hands both have claws that glitter dangerously in light instead of fingernails. Her left arm is longer than her right by at least three inches and the hand at the end appears to be replaced with three shadowy claws.

   Her hips give her a female shape, but don't really flare out that much. Lower down, if one were to look that way, her right foot appears to be monstrous of shape, being very well muscled with three big talons on the front in place of the ordinary toes. Her right foot appears normal.

  One may see a tail with a pointy spade-shaped end occasionally poke out from under her cloak, or just be swishing around when it is off. Along with the tail, her back appears to have a large hump on it whenever she is wearing a cloak. If she is not, the hump revealed itself to be scaled dark wings, similar to a dragon's. The wings would span nearly 16 feet.

Other Oddities: If one were to try and magically determine what she was, they would get conflicting Readings that said she was a Celestial, Devil, Demon, Satyr, Elf, Moose, Shadow-Dragon, Basilisk, and Ape.

History: RP for it

//OOC/Quick info
Race: Aberration
Height: 5'6
Weight: A little over 200 lbs(wings being about 75 of that)
Gender: Female
Eye-color: Glow in the dark Green
Skin-color: Pale Grey
Hair-color: Blue


Redlights: Permanent mind control, Server rules, Breeding(constant Pregnancy), rape

Yellowlights: Body Modding(Receiving end. Things that transform ex. Corruption, Fleshcrafting..), Slavery

The rest is open at the moment
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf