
Portrait Save
<OOC note> Currently captured and enslaved, going through some "Training" so if you see her in a peculiar, sexual situation, thats propably the reason </OOC note>

Lets make something clear, what you see is not another petite creature flat like a plank. She posses a rich bosom, round curves and juicy bottom. Now, its nothing unnatural, as in its nothing out of place, her breast and ass size. Its big and natural, nothing too big.

Now, with that out of the way, we can focus on other things. Unless that was the only thing you cared for.

She's an avarage sized hin, not slim, but as stated previously She is a bit chubby, but not fat. Her skin is soft, it doesn't seem that she either avoids sun, or prefers to sunbath, as she's neither pale, neither tanned.

Her face is, like her body, chubby. It has a small, pugy nose, round cheeks and full lips. Her eyes are round and big, with green irises. It ends with a pointy chin. Her chair is long, but usually, for the sake of travels, bound in a ponytail. Its black without any hue. Her ears are pointy but far away to have as elaborate structure of it as elves do.

She would be considered by the most as pretty. The nature of that statment would differ, for some she would seem cute, as her face had that kind of beauty to it, like most hins do. Others might focus on her body, which is build more to look like a proper, curvious woman. At least this is stated from a halfling and human perspective, other races or even indywiduals might feel that she is far away from their definition of "pretty" or "cute".

Her breasts are firm, with apropriately sized, pinkish nipples. They would bounce, whenever her outfit would allow for it, or if you catched her topless for whatever reason. Her buttocks, just like her breasts would also be firm. Going into round tights of her long legs.

It seems that she's used to walking without boots, but she understands that sometimes its better to wear them. As such, sometimes she may pat around barefoot, and sometimes stomp in some kind of boots, whatever she finds fitting.

On her, usually, would rattle a wooden cup with dices. Next to which she would keep her cards, a few decks of those actually, with different design. A pocket for her ammunition to her weapon of choice, which would be a sling. And some instrument, somewhere on her, which would differ!


Gross stuff.

anything permanent

Anything else

Feel free to nudge me in tells or just come visit whenever I am
Player:Drunk Bard
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling