Escande Imyn-Navarre

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Updated! 16/03/2015 (most at the end)

Appearance: The lower end of average height for her race (4' 6"), she has long, flaming red hair and large, red feathered wings. Her figure is slight, but well defined with curves in all the right places. There is a permanent flame deep within her eyes, though even being something that might be considered intimidating to some is almost completely countered by the soft and playful or caring expressions usually found on the little Avariel's face. Her body is adorned with an intricate pattern of red and white tattoos which may, to the more observant, appear more defined than when she first arrived in Sinifer City.

(for any with spellcraft or the ability to recognise magical tattoos, if Escande is actively concentrating on them, the red and white patterns would appear to move, much like an optical illusion. To see the patterns properly, you'll have to ask!)

With an ever present, mischievous grin, this Avariel's now burning eyes offer little insight beyond a fiery nature. In fact, she has enough control of the fire within to allow them to burn brighter when she wishes, hiding whatever emotion might otherwise be seen in them. Her 'change' now seemingly complete, the fire in her eyes courses through her entire body, creating a constant aura of warmth around her.

Now fully grown and a fiery red throughout, her wings are more imposing with their new size and colour. She no longer keeps them folded back, instead allowing them to wave gently in any breeze. The change also appears to have increased their sensitivity with the little Avariel reacting strongly to any unwelcome attention they might receive.


As time has passed, she's found herself growing close to a select few and her playful and more adventurous nature has begun to show. More open and flirtatious now, she loves games and to tease, even more so when it's reciprocated.

The other side to her nature that has become apparent with her new found bonds is a fierce loyalty to those she holds close, enough that her own life means little to her in protection of theirs.

She would often be found sleeping outside at night and even though she has numerous homes to use, she'll most commonly be found under a waterfall in the Lotus Isles, near hidden from view by the cascading water and spray as it bounces from the rocks. Any that venture close enough might however find themselves wondering why amidst the spray, the water appears to be steaming?

Any that travel with her or spend enough time around her will also notice the temperature of her body is directly linked to her emotional state. Anger, excitement, arousal along with certain other emotions will cause her body temperature to rise considerably and is becoming ever more frequent. Prolonged bouts of spell casting will leave her almost glowing and definitely very hot to the touch.



Escande and her phoenix are one and the same being in almost all ways now. This metamorphosis hasn't come without change though, both physical alterations as well as personality traits.  Her hair, while still a brilliant red, is longer and almost appears to shine as though each strand was made of pure flame. Her tattoos, though no greater in size, are more intricate in design with the previously required concentration for the flowing movement no longer needed, their cycled pattern now a gentle constant - a subconscious control of the fire within her.

The red feathers of her wings a fraction darker than when first re-grown, giving a somewhat deceptive appearance of age that's a stark contrast to the youthful looks of the little avariel herself. Much of the heat found to emanate from her is released through them and any cause for heightened emotion will see the tips crackling as flames jump and arc between the feathers.

She carries herself with an air of confidence in most matters, the previous shyness completely gone and though she still retains her playful nature, a more serious and determined demeanor is often apparent. A more 'negative' change though is that her hatred of anything related to slavery and slavers has expanded to a serious dislike of anything even resembling such. Where masters and mistresses thrive, Escande will rarely remain, tending to remove herself from the situation rather than express her distaste to it to those involved.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf