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CA(EstimatedCurrentAge): 18
ECH(EstimatedCurrentHeight): 5'3
ECW(EstimatedCurrentWeight): 94kg
Animal type: Canine(Corgi)
Builds: HighGradeVoluptuous
Gender: Female(100%[ThisCan'tChange])
Body quirks:[HyperFlexibility, Fluffy!, Incredibly adorable... Big... Ass]

Former pet of the typical prude Aglon bitch, this voluptuous corgi has had things her way almost her entire life. Making her quite the spoiled brat. And when things don't always quite go her way, she gets quite uppity.

Lights: I don't really know, help me add some as we play won't you darling? I love trying new things.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf