Martie Millers

This man in all of his middle-aged glory represents a dream gone unfulfilled, or perhaps, a dream that went further than it was supposed to.

The man you see before you, a broken down shell of a man is named Martie Miller. For the longest of times, Martie was a succesful and quite intrepid adventurer. All the way through his late teens until his early thirties when his knee was injured in an encounter with a Beullette. That crippling injury set Martie down a trail of alcoholism and crime, stealing whatever he could get away with stealing, drinking whatever he could get away with drinking. Until one day, his once proud, muscular form had settled into fat upon his gullet and underneath his chin. Truly, Martie was a sad sight... But not without a faint glimmer of what he used to be.

Martie, besides having a large, unsightly body also seems to have neglected his personal hygiene during his many years as an alcoholic. His clothes are unwashed, his mouth full to the brim with teeth about to fall out... One can only imagine how things are in more private, hard to reach places.

Greens: Rape, anal rape, shouting women, mild to moderate violence (on both parts), prostitutes, sluts, pretty girls wanting to go dirty, rough play, and whatever turns you on.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human