Elizabeth Moretti

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The Blood Countess - Romanian Countess

It was rumored that this young woman housed some very dark secrets in her life that of which she went to great lengths to conceal. She rarely allowed anyone to get too close to her emotionally in the fear that they would discover what her hidden secrets were and it would cause everyone involved great pain and suffering. Those she did let get close to her new better than to betray the woman as she was known for making people disappear that threatened her well being. However she was quite the sight to lay your eyes upon her sandy blonde hair was kept long and tied up neatly in either a pony tail or a bun allowing it to accent her softly rounded face, her eyes were a pale blue with a swirl of gold around the outer edge of her iris. Her pale skin was as soft as silk to the touch.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf