Artilias Ureal'ium

Name: Artilias Ureal'ium
Race: Drow
Sect: Mikritian Mountain
Height: 5'7
Weight: 190
Build: Sleek / Muscular / Solid
Eyes: Gold
Hair: White
Age: 160

(Excerpt from The Mikritian Royal Services - Rangers Division)

Artilias Ureal'ium, by in large one of the most cunning, intelligent, and cruel drow combatants we Mikritians have ever faced. Reports indicated that he had slewn over 40 armed men at the battle of Blackfriar Bridge during the purge but, those numbers are believed to be higher. Artilias's blood line is unknown, though common in Drow culture, it leaves much to speculation about how he came to be such a large specimen.

Artilias began his service with the drow as a field worker according to those who were tortured into speaking. They say his size made him more threatening and that many attempts had also been made for his life, but also failed. The account of a Matron of a one of the Mountain Drow Houses, the Ureal's, reportedly claimed him as property but yet he does not bear the house mark. In the few accounts that Mikritians have been close enough to the drow to hear him speak, they also mention that when speaking common it is broken, indicating that he has possibly not learned the language or suffers from a dissability. The prospect of a disability is highly unlikely given the formidable skillsets that he has displayed during combat and it is instead bealieved that Artilias simply despises the language and all those who speak it.

Artilias's prefferd weapon is a long bow, sleak and black as night its self. His bolts are heavier than the ones fired by most humans and the longest ever observed kill during combat was in excess of over 300 paces. The fired shot had very little arch in its trajectory, indicating he could potentially engage further.

The closest any Ranger had ever come to killing Artilias was at the Battle of the Fringe, inside the Drows own caverns. Artilias was cornered with no escape and without his bow. Ranger's McAllen and Vos'Cruitia were both sent in to finish the job and only Vos'Cruitia returned. McAllen was later found with his arm broken in four different locations, lacerations to his chest, disembowment, and a hamstring laceration to the femur. It was later determined that Vos'Cruitia was also killed in combat but his cothing removed which allowed Artilias to simply walk out of the cavern and into safety. Reports indicated tht Vos'Crutia was killed by a single neck break, indicating that he was likely killed first, disarmed, and then McAllen slain in the secondary.

Artilias as of 9, Heartfire, 102 AD is still at large and unaccounted for. Caution should be taken with this subject. He is to be considered armed, highly skilled in combat, and not to be taken alone.

Ranger Tel'avian - Mikritian Royal Services (Deceased 13, Heartfire, 110 AD)


Artilias is cold, calculating, and suffers from many instances of post traumatic stress. He is a soldier by all accounts and often times over reacts to the very most minor infringments upon his safety by simply killing instead of disarming and removing a person. His long white hair is often neatly kept in a band behind his neck.

Unlike many drow however, he is fiercly loyal to those who can earn his trust and respect. While he has a healthy respect for survival, he also believes in the common cause. Artilias does not like surfacers and given the chance, will sink bolt after bolt into them at any range.

He is currently houseless, a wanderer from the ruins of the Mikritian Caverns. Representing nothing but social trash in drow sociology, he acccepts this prejudice with pride believing it makes him more dangerous than the other drows for he is not bound by blood, honor, or creed and can kill freely. However, when asked, he will give the name Ureal'ium, honoring perhaps the one drow he did consider a guardian, if even such exists.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf