


1. Overview.
2. Common Form.
3. Monstrous Form.
4. True Form.
5. Abilities and Powers.
6. Lights and OOC.


His time upon this plane has changed him for the better, under the guidance of several and with reluctance, he eventually returned back to the light of Inari and has once more become a Kitsune of the Field variety, no elemental attachment at all.


Height: Approximately six foot.
Build: Athletic.

The Common form of Yasahiro looks akin to a human aside from a few minor traits of a vulpine, ears, eyes and even tail!

His entire form appeared almost painstakingly crafted, smooth musculature combined with unblemished skin makes for an appealing view at the least, his eyes constantly glimmering with a playful light, his lips curling into an easy and often teasing smile. His voice is soft almost serene, encouraging the minds of others to settle and relax within his presence at the least.

Whilst a physically appealing human form was present, the long and soft looking tail of soft white fur, the soft looking ears that wiggle almost adorably as if listening to many little sounds, the pointed canines and of course, the slitted vulpine eyes all added that faintly exotic addition to his form.


Height: Closer to seven foot.
Build: Sleek, predatorial.

His Monstrous form, looking akin to a beastfolk of the Fox sort, his fur was softer in colour, appearing more akin to a red fox, upon his arms and legs are darker 'socks'.

His fingers end in short but sharp claws, that cannot be withdrawn, constantly out and thusly often scratching against the many things touched without intending to, whilst still only having one tail, the more curious feature would be the digitrade legs further down along with the paws, the legs appearing quite powerful as if on a runner, his face was more akin to a vulpine than a human.

The voice in this form is deeper and gravelly, his voice in this form is deep and powerful though not so much soothing but certainly something to draw the attention and lure one closer.


Size: Small.

Its a Fox! Whilst modest in size, the only major difference from any other fox was the factor of several tails moving in an unpredictable manner upon his rear, often making it quite hard to properly count them. A true seeing would reveal more precise information with such things!


Shapeshifting - Yasahiro is rather limited in his abilities of Shapeshifting, due to a few errors in his studies he does not have the ability to take a fully natural humanoid form, often many fox like traits are often incorporated in some way or another within them.

Foxfire - His ability of Fox fire is often surprisingly skillful, able to conjure several globes and keep them present around his form to keep a constant lit area about himself and others almost on a whim.

Illusions - He limits his use of illusions more to piercing them and allowing him to see through things that others have about themselves and ensuring to keep some of himself hidden during his measures of hunting, though he is far from the greatest in such regards.

Possession - This is where his focus has been directed in study, few kitsunes practice this art to any major extent but with a single touch he can infuse himself within the body of another and take them over temporarily, suppressing the mind of the body and taking it over to fulfill his own goals. Although one can fight it off with the proper training. (For those interested in being possessed, toss a tell my way for such!~)


Light Wise, the Player is pretty relaxed and happy to roll with what comes their way. Yasahiro as a whole is redeemable and as such that rp would be greatly appreciated, otherwise many things can be arranged given the ability to possess other 'bodies' and walking along pretending to be someone else for situations, male, female or otherwise.

In regards to possession if the form does not fit any of the three mentioned its a What you see is what you get situation as he probably stole the body temporarily.

If there are any questions feel free to ask!
Player:Smaug Supporter
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human