Haley Lyonseph

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Light blonde hair frames an elegant face, shaped by high cheek bones and a slender jaw. Her lips are full, her eyes are emerald green and tiny freckles spread from her nose over her cheeks. She attempts to carry herself with a becomming air of humility but if anything detracts from her beauty it's an arrogance in her facial expressions and a aristocratic edge to her voice.

Despite favouring heavy armors, the metal plating is unable to hide her shapely curves.
Underneath that armor is the body of a woman who clearly takes great pride in her martial prowess. From toes to shoulders she could have been chiseled from marble.
Capped shoulders lead to lean but muscular arms as her firm round bottom leads to a pair of strong legs. Her abdominal muscles are rather well defined as well.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Uknown