Daryon Faenohrin

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From the diary of Faeyanah Orlys, Noblewoman of Arrabar.



When I first saw him, I was not sure if I'd stumbled into a pirate or a prince. He stood tall, confident... but undeniably relaxed. It was as if we were all a joke that only he could understand - as if he looked at us and saw us naked and stripped of our rank.

It was a ball at my sister's palace, and I knew then I had never seen his face before. How could I forget him, otherwise? He had deep brown tresses, held back in a ponytail that seemed just a tad too roguish for the fine clothes he wore. His eyes were... striking. I didn't notice it at first, for it was rather subtle, but it wasn't long until I noticed they were so very subtly mismatched: One green, one blue. He had a defined, masculine nose that lead my eyes towards his lips, full, and permanently curled into that smirk of his. His skin was tanned but not burnt - much too dark for a nobleman, I thought...

He spotted me a moment after - perhaps he felt the way my eyes couldn't leave him. His eyes watched my own, my lips... he looked at me as if I couldn't tell he was doing so, or perhaps he was simply... challenging me, daring me to acknowledge it.. I did not know then, I do not care now.

When he spoke, his voice was deep but mellodic, playful, and his laughter made me shiver. He knew that. He used his charm liberally, he reeled me in even as I was aware he was doing it.

My decorum and status prevent me from putting down in words what trascended that evening when he shadowed me on my way home. Suffice to say... I would gladly lose ten more necklaces if I could only see him again.



Greens: Far too many and too varied to list here - so please, if it's not in reds or yellows, assume it's welcome! Failing that, feel free to send a tell.

Yellow: Herms/shemales in ERP context.

Red: Children, things belonging in the toilet, permanent changes to my character without previous discussion.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human