
Portrait Save
A Canine beast-person, standing over six-and-a-half feet from the floor to the tips of their ears. They have a lean frame, lacking much in the way of clear muscle definition, coupling with their height and long limbs to give them a gangly, slightly awkward appearance. White-grey fur covers their body, with their hands ending in slight claws and their feet in clear canine paws, a thickly furred tail swishing behind them. Their dark copper eyes frequently squint at things, often trying to get a better look at curiosities.

Their attire tends towards the practical, favouring jackets and coats that would be appropriate for a wintry climate, often in dark colours. They often carry a variety of reagents and components, and can often be seen scribbling in a notebook. A pair of glasses hangs on a leather cord around their neck - they don't appear to fit their canine features, but they do raise them to peer through sometimes. A wooden staff slung across their back completes the canine's magely appearance, a red crystal mounted on the head of it pulsing steadily.

Reds: Bathroom.

Greens: Roleplay! Stories!
Player:The Black Sun
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf