
Full Name: Simon Shea Sonatine
Weight: n/a
Eyes: Varies (Usually Opaque Silver)
Hair: Raven Black
Skin: Ghostly Greys and Blues
Passion: Music / Creativity

Sonatine left the world of the living long ago. Yet something caused him to remain, drawing his spirit back to the city. Perhaps a necromantic curse or perhaps a tie to one so loved in life, perhaps he payed the price for returning from death one too many times, or a bit of important business left unfinished torments his spirit to remain, it is doubtful that the shade could pinpoint any of these or the correct combination itself. Whatever the case one thing is certain- He lived, died, and lingers in Sinfar.

Sonatine usually appears as a ghostly visage of what he was in life. A translucent silhouette of a man with raven black hair, his skin a ghostly palor of whites and greys, devoid of the grand spark of life and color. He appears dressed rather formally, and one would guess that while he dwelt amongst the living he led a life of excess and indulgence. Long hair the color of moonless skies flows over his finely cut and symmetrical features, a set of cold, reflective and silvery eyes look to passerbys with a distant interest. His frame is thin and lithe and the clothes bound around them would look quite extravagant if not for the translucent shimmer of death that dwells upon them. Once rings of gold and silver rings cling to his fingers, as once fine and exotic looking silks and fabrics make up the three piece suit that adorns him.

Should one be given a closer inspection, they would more than likely find the ectoplasm that make up this shade unsettling.
Icy cold to the touch, and leaving a film on whatever it touches that quickly evaporates. It doesn't take more than a thought to make this substance solid, but it is not it's natural state. This sort of control makes the shade somewhat of a shapeshifter when he needs to be, but he is not quite as bold as many of Sinfar's resident shifters.

His demeanor is a mix of arrogance and beffudlement, often dazing away at the sight of seemingly everyday objects, lost reminiscing, retreating within his own mind, perhaps hearing the cries of wayward adventurers passing beyond the veil, it is hard to say.

Lore DC 45
Being a creature of death, Sonatine is ruled and governed by a set of different rules than most still in their skin. He is a creature of passion, emotion, and memmory. Even if he himself cannot remember or understand these traits (Think Wraith The Oblivion to any MET or WOD players). For the dead, the regrets and sorrows of life coalesce into a darker side known as a spectre or po. Some of the dead become ruled by this darker side and fully succumb to it, making them the subject of the most famous stories involving haunts, revenge from beyond the grave and so on. Sonatine does not seem ruled by this darker nature but it is present and he is prone to it in his weaker moments, even if he seems to keep it in check for the most part.

Even the presence of an item or familiar face from his former life can have drastically unpredictable results, from sending him into a rage or banishment, or soothing calm depending on the circumstances and the particular object in question. It depends on the object or person in question, the emotion vested in them in life, and their significance. These objects to which he refers to as fetters- if destroyed could potentially kill the shade or banish him permanently, but the trick would be finding all of them. But they are the remnants of his former life and that which binds him still to this plane.

A powerful Cleric or Necromancer would still be enough to banish or control the spirit but it would only be a temporary solution. Sonatine is an older spirit and as such, is not quite as much a push over as your run of the mill wraith or other such undead.

(Player is Tell Friendly : D)
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human