Agriphina Dûnn, Eminence of Secrets

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+{Name}+: Agriphina Dûnn
+{Alias}+: Eminence of Secrets
+{Race}+: Human ([Werebat])
+{Gender}+: Female
+{Age}+: 43
+{Alignment}+: Lawful Evil
+{Homeworld}+: Oerth
+{Affiliations}+: Keepers of the Forbidden Lore
+{Deity}+: Vecna


-[Physical Appearance]-

-!Human Form!-

At first glance, this woman appears to be exactly the sort of person you would see living in a more rustic community. Her body appears to be well proportioned with a decent amount of body strength seemingly having been built up. Her physique is athletic as a result of this and when seen properly appears to have a lot of the usual small sounds often associated with physical labor. Old cuts along the arm, callous fingers, bruised and scabbed knees...though if one knew her age, they might certainly see it odd that no signs of aging have (apparently) kicked in yet. Barely any wrinkles on her skin, though she does look a tiny bit paler then one would expect - although far from unhealthily.

Her features appear to be on the rounded side, with a noticeable chin, round and smooth cheeks and a narrow nose. Her lips are moderately thick and her eyes a rather clashing shade of bright green that seem to stick out if only for the haphazardly cut dark brown hair covering her head, rather thick and hardly well tended to.

Her torso bares the fruit of her labors. Noticeable muscular around the abdominal region that is relatively moderate, her  arms seemingly having taken the bulk of her strength. Her bosoms are large, rounded and firm, healthy for her age. Her shoulders are narrow, though her arms do appear to be a little on the thick side. Considering the amount of ware on her hands and forearms, it may be clear to those that are observant that she may have done a lot of carrying and working with her hands. As such, her nails are often kept short and blunt.

Typical wide hips seem to carry their own rather nasty scar. It is rather obvious that a wound had been sewn up around her upper thigh. Her backside is firm and her legs are strong, knees and ankles almost callous with scabs, whitened with wear as are the undersides of her feet.

Her voice - when heard - is an odd contrast to her appearance. Her accent is vastly dulled, seeming to speak with a haughty and deep voice.

-! Werebat Form ! -

Favoring this form whenever utility comes into play and subtlety needs to go out of the window - her Werebat form is a rather stark contrast to her previous form. Where as she is typically rather short, this form has clearly helped her grow by a couple of heads. Her body is covered in black and brown fur, her eyes adopting a red tinge to them and her pupils growing yet still resembling a human's.

Her head is - otherwise - unmistakably that of a fruit bat, an oddly non-threatening result, however his newly formed head still seems to have some semblance of humanoid traits to it - particularly in the expressiveness and the shorter snout. It's rather noticeably large and keen black nose seemingly a big aide to her. Her ears appear to be rather small compared to the size of her head, still retaining some of the ridging of a human ear but still pointed and atop of her head. Her eye color seems to have changed to a rather hearty gold brown by this point, it's rounded pupils and sharp gaze seemingly unmarred.

Her body appears to be roughly the same physique, however her skin seems to have darkened significantly beneath the thin layer of fur. By all means, many of her proportions have become larger, including the length of her arms, legs and torso, making her seem significantly more lanky. Her arms seem to have thinned out a little more, her nails replaced by short but sharp looking claws, ideal for grasping.

Along the sides of her arms, there appears to be the source of some of her scarring - as the flesh has extended and sprouted new bones, membranes forming long and dark wings to accommodate her transformation. By nature, these wings seem to scoop upwards, their wingspan impressive and the membrane extending along her arm, all the way down her side to her lower back, which has further mutated to accommodate the wings.

Her hips appear just a pinch narrower, whilst her legs seem to retain their humanoid shape yet have elongaged rather noticeably, their feet having grown bony and sprouting short claws on each toe, seemingly mixing both racial traits quite well.



Roleplay. Yeah. Actual substance beyond just the lead up to sexy times. || Unusual choices of location || Romantic encounters || Rough and play-feral intercourse || Dialogue Mid-Intercourse || Humorous Situations || Humanoids of all shape and sizes! Within reason. There's only a finite amount of room down there. || Intelligent Partners || Civilized Romance


Demons, Devils and Daemons || Ritualistic Intercourse || Use of Magic


Your typical vore, scat & watersports || Rape || Sexual Enslavement || Corruption without any actual consent || Asking her if she can look at YOUR head of Vecna. Will only work 25% of the time.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human