Keeya Irashnifan

This strangely garbed figure seems to always attempt to stay to the shadows. Often seen as no more than a pale face under a hood, a hint of bluish tattoos marring her? It was difficult to tell if was a her features. The rest of her usually completely covered in drab clothing, attempting in her own way to blend into the walls, shadows, streets and crowds, the young woman appeared perfectly happy to keep to herself.

Anyone attempting to near her would notice an infalliable reaction of her flinching away, and a hesitation to even face towards others directly if confronted, bodily seeming uncomfortable with even being close to another person.

Small of stature, with the loose parts of her clothes seeming to flutter lightly in a breeze that wasn't even there... many people would get a slightly off feeling about her, as if she wasn't quite what she may appear as. They'd be right.

Keeya is a Sylph, an outsider born to human parents due to an elemental introduction to the linage in her family generations back. Keeya happened to be born to the element of air, little puffs of air fluttering about her feet beyond what would be considered 'normal' as she moved, completely unafraid of wind, rain, and lightning... infact if seen outdoors in such weather, it seemed to be calming to her.

General Attributes:
Name: Keeya Irashnifan
Race: Air Sylph
Gender/Sex: Female entirely.
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 103lbs
Hair: Stark white
Skin: Pale, blue tattoos.
Demeanour: Quiet, extremely reserved.

Personal ones are everything goes
Character lights to be determined as the character develops.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf