Danika Lenore Castellane

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In her homeland she would be considered dressed in an odd, dated style. Her clothing is in pristine condition, despite not being contemporary. Her skin is fair and without blemish, her lips are thin but suiting for her small mouth. Her eyes are a pale amber, like pools of honey and she often has a tired, bored expression.

The girl appears to have just came into adulthood and set out on her own, as she is sometimes seen by herself, standing on corners or sitting alone in taverns. She doesn't seem to fear being by herself or the darkness of an alley.

Her accent is odd and perhaps a bit more pronounced, like someone who takes pride in their heritage and would let everyone know of their origin through their speech. Strangely, there is a constant aroma of flowers mixed with fresh fruit surrounding her. A perfume, perhaps, or some magical enchantment maybe.

She wears a lot of jewelry, the gems and gold surely worth a great deal and she doesn't bother to flaunt it or hide it. She wears fine clothes and jewels as if they were the most common things in the world.

There is more than just these simple observations to be known about this girl, but finding them out will require her trust and that is not easily won.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf