
Portrait Save
Name: Astrid

Age: 24

Race: Human..?

Height: Taller than a normal human.

Build: Voluptuous

Gender: Female

Eyes: Icy Blue

Occupation: Shaman


She has an intimidating presence, with a large stature and a sculpted body wich reveals a constant and severe physical training. Altough her muscles are well defined they do not detract from the beautiful curves of her body wich highlights her feminity. Most of the times she shows a calm face.

Her long hair is decorated with small braids, wich are made by herself, not only  for aesthetic reasons but for practical ones aswell, because she doesn´t want her hair messing with her vision in battle. All of this reveals a remarkable nordic style.

She has a deep gaze with light blue eyes, sometimes spoiled by rebellious strands of hair wich sticks to a forehead sometimes adorned by drops of sweat, caused by ardous journeys of travelling or physical work.


//I'm not an english native speaker and sometimes maybe i can be wrong, i do my best try. I'm Spanish.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human