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<| Read First |> Viruvaslau is not Apodyopsis and Apodyopsis is not Viruvaslau. She is a character with her own goals and desires. As well, I RP serious consequences and expect the same from others. If you simply want safe, social RP this character is not for you.

A rapid clatter is heard as this creature skitters and scampers about the city of Sinifer. Though she steps with uncertainty amongst such a vast host of Planar Outsiders, Viruva's greed-fuelled, power-hungry gaze can't help but wander anxiously.

The Imp is fairly typical in appearance for her subspecies of Fiend; short in stature, a form that is carried upon bestial feet, long leather wings and a stinger-like tail protruding from her lower back. She was not particularly pleasing to the eye, another standard feature of Imps. Her eyes were much too large for her face giving her a 'buggy' look, her skin was dotted in pock marks and scars from punishments or dumb errors, and her hair was messily tossed up and out of her face.

For one reason or another, the imp has generously adorned her body in lavish (to her) jewellery that probably doesn't belong to her.

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Theme Song
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Plainwalker - The Cat Lady OST
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human