Gideon Sunvault

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Tall and broad shouldered, powerful and handsome, he strikes the basic tenets of masculine excellence and then greatly complicates them.  His skin is white like marble, giving him a living-statue quality that is relieved,
and then at once complicated again, by his dark eyes, shining like black pearls.  The dark, matt-cobalt of his hair completes his otherworldly coloration, suggesting some manner of celestial origin.

Yet the most striking thing about him is not in his appearance as much as his demeanor.  He is almost always smiling; and not a fixed or polite smile: the kind one expects a child to have for the duration of their birthday, or that an adult might have with warm thoughts of fine times to come.

He is quick to laugh, and when he does, the rich basso comes pleasantly like a warm tide, and only the most crusted scowlers could find it irritating.  His conversation is light and complementary, his confidence and good mood proof against the slings and arrows of all but the most severe curses and threats; and he populates his phrases with peculiar euphemisms.  "Bastards" are "scurrilous fellows", attacking a creature is "giving it a good bop on the head!".

His chief quality, then, is that he is nice; and nice in a way that is refined,
crafted, and submitted in its most outrageously pleasant form.

He radiates a sense of joy and goodwill that seeps into the moods of those around him, if not deliberately opposed.  Fiends, and creatures to whom simple happiness at no one's expense is a supremely alien sensation, are likely to find this extremely disturbing.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human