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(Darkmist Disguise) This woman seems like an able fighter. Perhaps not the most muscular but certainly quick on her feet and swift with her arms. Green eyes and dyed platinum hair with darker skin. She's got the appearence of a commoner, perhaps a militiaman?
((If you're prone to allowing OOC information to influence your character's behavior please do not read any further.)) Tiny, almost weightless looking critter. As white as bleached bone and painted in what looks like blood. The wings are a pretty dead give away as to what she is but unlike most of the stories you've probably heard she isn't a typical Fey-Kind. When she's around you can't help but smell death, rotting, decay, stagnation. Where it not for the fact you won't frequently find her in places where those smells are common anyway it could be considered a safety risk. Even when you're looking directly at her it's difficult to see her, it's as if she stands between this plane and the next (Self Concealment V) and she moves so quickly and with such fluidity a quick hand gesture could send a thousand messages and be entirely missed. She has wings, but she doesn't seem to be using them for flight. Instead they flutter rapidly keeping her weight zeroed out so as to leave no footprints and offer her a faster run. Name: Shae'Zyth (S'hay Zai-heeth) Race: Fae Sub: Corpse Fairy Class: Infiltrator Alt Class: Soul Collector Skin: White Eyes: Red Build: Lithe Wings: Red/Grey/Black She carries a rough wooden shield and a rather impressive looking mace (In design not so much in size). ((OoC)) No Lights, I play it by ear. Corpse Fairies; Since it's something I made up and there is therefore no known lore I'll throw down a rough description so that anyone who would maybe have an idea of what she is can roleplay it. A corpse fey is born through necrotic congealment. That is to say, when an area becomes so riddled with death that the air and the energy becomes death there is a chance that the forces will manifest a fey to manage it for to keep a sort of balance and protect those areas from contaminating outside ecosystems and vice-versa. They aren't intrinsically evil but they are normally not good. They have a sort of cold, dour sense of self, many of them also in charge of carrying and guiding intact and fractured souls to gates where they can cross over to be sorted. As such they often grow to be cynical and aloof to life. Living beings often find them hard to be around considering the often dark sense of humor. It's typical that they also become shepherds of undeath. They typically cannot destroy the scourge so instead they learn to keep them in check and away from the living. Likewise, when the living come to their places they will attack and chase them out. Some of the more evil ones will outright kill a mortal seeing it as their role in life to increase and preserve the right of death. They are a peculiar race as very few deities take the time to manage them and being created under such rare circumstances they often go unnoticed by druids and priests who might other wise seek to figure out a productive system for them. |
Player: | Last of Avalon |
Gender (Visually): | Female |
Race (Visually): | Human |