
Portrait Save
Name: Selva

Age: Twenty years old

Sex: Male

Build: Slim and lean

Place of origin: Calishite

Sexual preference: Mostly men, but is not opposed to women and inbetweeners.

Before you stood a great beauty. A boy of only twenty years stands at an unimposing 5ft 8. His body was lean and healthy, akin to that of a dancer. His complexion a soft coppery brown. Everything about him was delicate and graceful, his face being the most striking of features. A soft face, framed by dark charcoal hair, eyes were of molten gold. He wore a little make up, smoky eye shadow that added to the contrast of his enchanting iris's while dark lips pouted often. Piercings of rich gold adorned his lower lip, nose and nipples.

A few more pictures.
Player:Lyanna Gordon
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf