
The old elf standing in front of you has a dark sun burned skin. His body always emits a faint scent of brimstone as the smell a campfire would have shortly after being ignited. His blond hair looks in the sun as if it would be a bright yellow flame, even the more if the wind breezes through his mane.  He has calm reddish eyes which are always directed at you, following every of your moves. Four parallel scars run down over his left eye, being actually from a claw strike of an unknown creature. He carries himself with a certain dignity, his moves slow and yet with a certain amount of grace. His body radiates a nearly unnatural warmth, the touch of his dry skin almost too warm for a normal alive being.

The animal in front of you stares at you with its awake eyes, following your moves, seeming to try to guess your intentions. Four scars of a claws strike running over its left facehalf. The skin as well as its nose is always dry and warm. The skin is almost hot enough for it having a sickness with fever. The eyes of this animal have always a hint of red and it carries a scent of brimstone with itself. The moves of the animal are slow as if it would be already very old, the head risen in dignity and pride.

Right in front of you spread the huge masses of an ancient red dragon. The large scales carry the heavy scent of lava and fire. From a height of about thirty feet two eyes, which seem to be made of molten stone, large as cartwheels, stare down at you. The dragon bears the scars of a many fights, scars of weapons and scars dealt to him by his own kin. A huge claw strike left four lines on his left face half, marking one of his hardest fights. While you catch the gaze of this creature you grow aware of the sabre long teeth and the faint glow in the throat of this ancient creature. The voice is loud, low, like a thunder rumbling through the sky. And you can  imagine that the glow in his throat could be the fitting "lightning". If you can focus on the gaze and keep it with the old dragon in front of you, you might notice that you have seen the same calm eyes somewhere else already, where.. you are not sure. The ancient dragon called Kjaraud
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Elf