Minayne anna'Trieluit

Sex: Female
Size: 5'2"
Race: Drow
Skin: Soft
Scent: Queen of the Night with a very soft earthy undertone.
Eyes: Red but they can become pure black at times. Certain RP will display them.

OOC Junk to follow!

She is a work in progress. First time drow female and learning the ropes so don't be all sorts of butt hurt if she can't talk in drowish or know all their silly ways! Just be a nice person and tell me. =P

Mood Lighting!

Green: Good RP, laid-back peeps, all the normal junk like roses, romance, chains, whips, \o/ yay! Oops, I mean noooo!!!

Red: Salty ass people with nothing better to do then to bug the shit out of me! Doing or being asked to do shit that will break the server rules.

Yea so there you go!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human