Rohan Trepaci

A short you man who looks in his early 20's. Currently with a slim and smooth frame that stands sort at 5'4.

Thick short brown hair that is mainly in a lazy yet clean style on his head, his youthful face is one that would not really be easy to remember and carries no eyecatching marks.
His slim hairless and smotth soft body is not bulk in muscle but carries a tone defintion. Again like his face nothing really stands out here apart from the light scars here and there
Downstairs he is very thick and rather long for human traits though some woud be happy to have a large malehood he finds it stressfull at times and this seems to have a effect on his clothing as he tends to ware loose pants to hide the large budlge

Lights are pretty simple - He is for RPing with, He doesnt mind ERP or PvP but i prefer those who dont randomly quit during these or right after with out a rp way to get out of it...its not hard guys lol      Send a Tell if wish, Freindly Player here
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human