
This elf appears rather average for elves at about four foot eight inches and looks like what the elf would stereotypically be. He's an archer and he claims to be one of the best, being quick on his feet and his reactions seem almost flawless.  

Like many elves, Tyllion is of slender frame and not rocking a six pack, but he does seem well muscled and his legs seem really refined, like a kick from this elf would hurt more than a kick from a barbarian. If seen necked, which wouldn't be hard to acheive, he is hairless from neck to toe.

He's a larger than normal sized elf when it comes to the dick in his pants, which he isn't afraid to fondle or let people fondle in public.

// Just ask for lights if you're interested. Everything has a reaction, so if Tyllion doesn't appreciate it, expect him to bitch smack you.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf