Sorace Nasadra

Tall, for her kind - not so much for some other folks at about 5'7". 'Her kind' is what draws attention first however, most of the time. Deep black skin, gleaming crimson eyes, and hair the colour of fresh snow conjure ideas of demons and monsters even in many who have never heard of the term 'Drow' - dark elves, of whom many folks tell that they live in the darkest depths of the world, emerging only to plunder and enslave, and with death being the highest mercy given to their victims.

Still, this one seems not hostile at first glance. Though she almost always walks armed with an elegant blade, there is no sign of armour or other battle readiness, and her voice is often soft-spoken, barely above a whisper.

Still, she seems entirely certain of herself - never a stutter, and each word carefully weighed and calculating - even friendliness seems deliberate and easily gives the impression of someone who does and gets exactly as she wants.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf