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A white fluffy tail and a pair of tufted ears easily discern this being as another kitsune! Although one with the ability to see her with True Vision would just see a small white fox with a streak of red fur starting from her nose which trails down to the base of her tail.

More likely the humanoid form is far more interesting than that cute, shifty little fox. Aime is on the chubbier side than most of the denizens of Sinfar, she is not a hard body and obviously seems to be fond of sweets with her plump bottom and ample chest. Frolicking along, her bottom always seems to jiggle and her breasts hardly firm in position bounce loosely in whatever lose garment she wears around her bosom. She is fond of wearing colours that share her likeness, including light blue, red and white.

The structure of her face resembles what she truly is and looks quite lupine and almost wild. Unkempt hair and what seems to be an almost persistent frown is what she wears though her glossed lips are usually turned up into a little grin, making her look mischievous.  Asides these natural looks she is quite fair to look at and takes excellent care of her own personal hygiene with neat brows, and very few scars or blemishes. This being said she does boast a pair of black tattoos around her biceps that appear to be some tribal runes.

All being said, Aime is not old for her kind and is quite impressionable, unwise and in general dumb. The fox would often engage in strange motions when seen standing for long, such as splitting and pulling hairs from her tail, and in general being an unknowing nuisance.


>When it all comes down to it, she is looking for pampering aswell as new experiences. I as a player have no red lights asides anything against the server rules, no paedophilia or anything that resembles an under age character. I do not mind rape if it comes up through roleplay, though she may just end up enjoying it. Also please don't kill Aime, she's too young!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human