Jezebelle Lacrost

Jezebelle Lacrost is a human-looking woman with a strong connection to death and shadows being a Fetchling or a Human with ancestors from the Plane of Shadow. Strong and powerful is her might and few can withstand her fearsome aura when her ire is irked. Pain and dispair follow in her wake as she cleaves those who oppose her.

Her silky grey hair and pale skin are the first signs of her liniage next to her pitch black eyes. She seems haunting at first until you get to her lithe frame and ample bust paired with that sinfully curvacious ass. She is an example of female beauty mixed with the strength and ferocity of the dead shades who bow to her control.

Her personality is cold and dominating, and her will to always be in charger makes her an ideal leader, but not a democratic one, dictator, she's a perfect example of.

Reds: Rape [Recieving], Mutilation, Torture, Perma-Without Concent, Perma-Anything, Breaking Server Rules.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human