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We, as ourselfs, are defined by many roles that we need to assume in our lives. Its an open debate in sociology and psychology what defines us, as people, if not for many masks we need to wear every day. We also need to renember that they don't affect us one by one, but also the way that alternation works on us.

But, what really is alternation? In this case, it would be the conflict of many systems of values we bring into our lives, with many roles we need to assume, in which we have to find a way to justify them, to be able to live as such.

Who is she? A catling propably, but you can't really be sure with the vague description of what really a catling is around here. A feline, perhaps? Thats a more reasonable aproach to the topic of what creature she would be.

But would that describe her as being a human or elf with cat ears and tails? Most definitely not an accurate state as well. An animal-folk, or beastfolk. That would describe her in a more proper fashion.

Beastfolk can be of many kinds, so lets describe this particular beastfolk type:
Covered in fur, hind legs, tail, leg-paws and hands consisting of soft pads on the inside part of it and a muzzle.

Having the obvious part aside, we would need to focus next on her eyes. Those are emerald green, and propably the reason for the way that she calls herself. The word itself, emerald, would be a way of twisting one word that was somewhat a type of another kind of word, creating a confusing chain that connects its to the word "smaragdos" which simply meant "green gem"

Emeralds outfits would need to be categorized in two groups:
1. armor
2. casual wear
Lets start from the top, as the felines armor would consists of random parts jerry rigged together in a mish mash of parts.
And the casual wear? Out of forced decency or if her fur would not be enough to keep her warm ... or if she really needed for some other reasons.

It would be an easy guess that she prefered a more nimble and agile techniques of fighting. Her strength wouldn't be that amazing, enough to let her use weapons and wear parts of a more proper armor.

To make a challange, i'll sum up her mental capabilities as short as possible. It is easier for her to get out of trouble, then to avoid getting into them.

As for her behaviour, Emerald would be proud of her freedom and independence, and very protective of those, marking the fact that she had to have some contrast to her current situation to make her feel such. Moods, or rather, well, behaviour can easily change from one extreme to another for seemingly no reason, at least not without knowing a few things about this cat.

OOC info - character


OOC info - player

Tell friendly
Approach friendly

Here is list of my red lights:
Bugs (Yes I know, spiders aren't bugs, but they are considered as bugs for the sake of this list)

I don't have yellow lights, but I wish for you, to accept the fact that Me, the player, might not feel like doing particular things for the moment. I will inform you about it if I start seeing signs of such happening.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf