
Portrait Save
Enshrouded by a desert cloak that seems to move to the whim of an unseen breeze--or perhaps its own sentient accord--this obvious wizard bares the hallmark of an accomplished mage.  His stride is slow, intentional... a saunter wherein each step seems calculatingly placed and methodically taken according to the tenants of a distant tribe to which he is, or at the very least once was, a part.  Unlike the pedigree of many Sinfarians; however, this man is both of common birth and very much a mortal.  Despite this, he conducts himself with the steadfast determination of one who knows what he wants and, more importantly, has the competency to get it.  Showing neither hesitation nor doubt, he commits himself to his pursuits with conviction honed over a lifetime of experience... much of which was unpleasant.  

With sun-kissed flesh covered in ink and runes this Sabani native indulges himself with a ascetic lifestyle so contrary to the world of immortals he is surrounded by.  Of striking attraction and unfailing wit, he prefers an abstemious existence in pursuit of knowledge and his profession.  

Clad in jewelry from distant planes his fingers hold ornamental rings of various shapes, sizes, and design while his neck shows amulets of the same and his ears bare the weight of a half dozen coins in piercings.  Some of these trinkets are magical, others mundane, yet all serve a purpose and taken with his attire betray his profession as one of the Sabani traders; nomadic merchants specializing in the arcane willing to negotiate, barter, or procure various goods--and in some cases services--in exchange for fair trade or information.  


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Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human