Sky Darkener Alekkazom

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Four adventurers traveled cautiously through the oppressive gloom of the Underdark. Only the faint glow of the bioluminescent fungi that covered the cave walls lit their path. A wet, slimy voice slithers into each of their minds. Even though they could not see who was speaking, they could hear it as clearly as if it were whispering into each of their ears. "Follow the tunnel deeper? I know where the treasure you seek lies. Follow the water? follow the water deeper." Foolishly, the gathering ventured onward, following the voice, though they knew not it's origin.

They saw something move in the back of the cave. A shadow darted out of sight at the far end of the tunnel. The party approached with caution?the tiefling wizard cast light on the tip of her staff, the halfling rogue hid in the shadow of the half-orc paladin?s billowing cloak, and the human ranger knocked an arrow. Cautiously, the adventurers proceeded with paranoid-filled steps, lead by the voice and their careless lust for gold and glory. They reached a precipice, a cavern entrance with strange carvings in the stone, without the wizard's light cast it was surely beyond even the eye's perception of darkness. Within a smaller passageway, the trickling sound of water echoed within the walls of a small chamber. Several shadowy Silhouette's adorned an apparent upper level to the chamber.

"There!" gasped the paladin as he reached for his greatsword. The wizard?s light cast its golden rays upon one of the figures that lept from the upper chamber toward her paladin comrade. A nightmarish abomination, a rubbery-skinned being with the body of an emaciated human, topped with a bulbous head bearing many writhing tentacles. A mind flayer. It stood before them and raised its slimey hand to its temple, preparing to shatter the adventurers? feeble psyches with a psionic mind blast. As the paladin lept forward to strike, the ranger knocked an arrow quickly, but the mind flayer projected it's intellect shattering powers outward, completely incapacitating the adventurers in a massive daze. The tiefling fell to her knees with a bloodcurdling scream, holding her head, trying to focus on a now failed fire spell that then fizzled in her palm. The light upon her staff went dark, and silence filled the void as she held her ears and grit her teeth, trying to fight the massive migraine-like pain.

It slowly faded, and after several moments she opened her eyes, blinking several times from the strain. Her eyes met the figures of the rest of her party, though they were clearly different, glaring at her in eerie silence. She tried reaching for her staff in the darkness but only struggled, disturbing loose rocks upon the cavern floor. The slimy voice invaded her mind again, though this time as it spoke, her comrades spoke in unison. "It is alright, there is nothing to fear, your mind will service us beyond your own comprehension." "Who are you?!" She screamed. "Alekkazom." The reply, followed by another shriek of terror from the tiefling that ended in an abrupt silence.

{Alekkazom is an elaborately developed character I've been creating for over the last year or so. His background, history, and overall appearance are completely original and I have been implementing him as well as other characters into a Novel I am publishing. For the purposes of Role-Play, if you would like to be a part of the Novel and story-progression, please send me a PM or Tell letting me know "It is completely ok to use my character's name, physical description, and history in your publishing." However if you would not like your character to be used in my novel equally please let me know as soon as you can. I will not implement any other characters without the permission of the player}

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Uknown