Ot Poeliss

Portrait Save
Probably your mother, your father, and
your sister too!

+Table of Contents+
~Plain Biography
~Detailed Biography
~Traffic Lights
~OOC Notes

+Plain Biography+
Name~Ot Poeliss.
Pronunciation~Aw-t Po-el-ess.
True Gender~Female.
Apparent Age~Varies.
Actual Age~32?
Height~1.69m / 5'6"
Build~A bottom-heavy athletic body, whilst
~not very strong, she was rather quick
~despite them curves. Oh, them curves.
Tattoos~Extremely intricate black designs
~that wrap over her arms and legs.
Eyes~Solid black, without irises or sclera
~that indicated where she was looking.
Hair~Short and well-kept white hair, with
~strands feathering out here and there.
Skin~A milky white in her natural form,
~without a blemish in sight.
Nose~Very very flat. Like, whoa, it's flat.
Jewelry~Varied with her outfits, typically
~rather vibrant colors that contrasted
~sharply with her skin.
Makeup~A strange black marking drawn in
~thick eyeliner around her right eye.
Scent~Various spices indistinguishable from
~each other. This tends to carry over to
~her other forms, serving as a hint.
Voice~Soft with a pseudo-french accent.

+Detailed Biography+

[Something not right? She's probably using another form, where as everything or most everything below is not going to be applicable to her description.]

A strange short-haired woman, with white skin and hair, and a decidedly fair and attractive face from the front, although any tilting of her head would quickly reveal her more alien feature, that her nose was completely smoothed and flat.

Ot was a changeling, although she may look like a human who got dipped in milk, she was a shapechanging humanoid with her ancestry likely tied to the infamous doppelgangers. Her eyes were neither white nor yellow like many other changelings, but instead having strange black eyes.

Ot's eyes although black and distinctly lacking visible sclera and a visible iris, did in fact give slight hints to where she was looking if one paid enough attention. Although black irises on black sclera did make it quite difficult to pinpoint from afar, if not outright impossible if enough distance was between her and another.

She was clearly born with her kin's frail body, although with a bit more padding than normal, leaving her with a rather pear-shaped body. A relatively small chest, with wide hips, and a body that moved almost unnaturally quickly. Her mind was her favorite tool, however.

Ot's mind, swaying hips, and quick fingers all combined, making her a rather unique force. She was psionic in nature, perhaps something leftover from her ancestry, although she also fancied herself a bard. Though not with song, favoring the dance over music.

Spinning tales and falsehoods, swindling, prying into the mindscape of others, and rigging dice games. All of those things Ot was not afraid of doing to get some amusement out of life. She was rather carefree, trying to be neither good or evil, just living life. If someone was supposedly "dumb enough" to get tricked by her shapechanging or mind trickery, they deserved it in her eyes. It's not like she's really hurting them anyway, right?

In Ot's homeland, well, who knows! With an accent that could be compared to some sort of psuedo-french, her likely travels, and her changeling nature, it was very unlikely to pinpoint exactly where Ot was from in the universe. Unlikely she was from Cormyr, but perhaps she wasn't from Sinfar or Faerûn, or even the worlds of, stranger origins weren't exactly unheard of.

Her clothing tended to be on the more conservative side, at least some days, but she almost always was seen with her blue scarf and leather glove upon her left hand. Sometimes upon her person, and despite her favoring the dance, an instrument laid slung over her shoulder or hanging from her belt if small enough.

 Along her milky white body were a dense array of tattoos that most closely resembled mehndi style of tattooing. The extremely intricate designs wrapped from her shoulders to her hands, and hips to her feet, as well a bit along around her navel.

 Two of Ot's tattoos in particular were rather noteworthy, both along the left side of her body. Her leg's tattoo framed showed a field of black stars that seemed to twinkle, and moving with the breeze carried through the air. Along her arm was a show of musical notes that twisted and moved over themselves, they were very hard to follow but they still told of a song nonetheless.

Gunter. Glieben. Glauchen. Globen.

+Traffic Lights+
https://www.f-list.net/c/alien grill/

+OOC Notes+
Nothing that I do in-character is done personally unto you as a player. Try to keep IC & OOC separate.

Search up ".lane" on nwn.sinfar.net for other characters.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human