Nele Imytholyn

As you look at her it is clear she is half-elvem with the ageless features of the elves mixed with a few human traits. Like her ears doesn't have the normal pointy tips.

Her midtnightblack hair goes a little below her shoulders and the skin's pales colour is in shape constrat to the black hair.

Her eye are clear blue and her body seem to have beautiful feminie curves her breasts seem fairly large for her yet not obsenly so.

Her manner seem playful perhaps a little shy

*********** OOC ****************

Green: Cum play, sluttisme, pet play, light tourtue, humilation, vigrinal, anal, mouth, bondage, restrains, blindfolds, gags, men, women, couples, groups, public play

Yellow: Medium tourtue, shemales or other mixed genders,

Red: Beating in anger, extensive violence

Perfed role: Submissive/Slave/Bottom
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf