Elspeth Averna


Name: Elspeth Gloria Averna IV of High Skies
Race: Enhanched Human
Profession: Priestess of the Demi-Goddess Marlath
Body type: Average
Measures : 95-60-120
Gender : Female (Could change)



Once a Young and Brave Queen of noble kingdom, Gloria Averna IV of High Skies fought breavely to defend her people.
Warrior queen and bright mind, hard steel and brave soul.

The enemy empire of Lathas though captured her in a battle, chained her and locked in a tower.

After a few Years, Gloria was freed by a man. She was only 19 years old, but she passed from a pair of chains to others. Named Elspeth, she was now a slave. She served that man, pleasuring him in many different ways. As a fighter, as a lover and in the name of the Demi-Goddess he worshipped.

Ritual after Ritual Elspeth started to embrace the faith in the demi-goddess, converting herself into the cause. This was the start of her rebellion, the demigoddes spoke about freedom and strenght. She could not be a slave anymore. She managed to break free but instead of her kingdom now.. she was lost in a world she never knew....

Scat and such, boring relationships, plain girl on girl

Men, violence, torture, slave relationships

Magic, Creative RP, Good ideas.

Transformation, Character development, storytelling.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human