Ziggy Goodsbane

Name: Ziggy Goodsbane
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 228 lbs
Build: Athletic and finely Trimmed
Hair: Jet Black
Eyes: Emerald Green
Skin Tone: Burnt Sierra


Ziggy was born into a nobel family.  He had all the finer things that commoners had always dreamed about.  Life, however, wasn't always charmed for Ziggy and his family. His father was an abusive drunk and his mother was nothing more than a punching back to him.  Ziggy did his best to shield his younger brother from all of the ugliness, but it proved to be too tall of an order. One night, Ziggy's father came home in a drunken rage as he had just gambled away the family estate.  Ziggy remembers this night so clearly even to this day. A storm had been crashing down on the manor for a good part of the day, a forboding, eerie aura seemed to surround his home.  It was spring evenining, the rain was welcomed. The sun would have been just setting on the horizon if the clouds hadn't been so obstructive.  Ziggy was 16 at the time and he was working on his school work. The peace of the evening was shattered by the crashing of the front door as his father had kicked it in.  Startled Ziggy rushed from his room where he saw the rage burning in his father's eyes. Ziggy was familar with the look, but tonight something was different.  Something entirely nefarious seemed to steer his father's body to his mother's room. Ziggy grabbed his blade that was given to him as a gift on his 16th name day and rushed to defend his mother.  Ziggy knew tonight was going to be the night his father killed his mom. By time Ziggy got there, his mother was already bloodied on the floor.  He shouted to his father to stop, but this served only to have those hateful eyes turn his way. Ziggy raised his blade to deter his father's advance, but this only enranged him further.  Ziggy had no choice but to act.  With a swift swipe of the blade Ziggy felled his father by opening up his neck. His father grasped deperatly for air as Ziggy knelt by him to watch the life leave his eyes.  Ziggy felt nothing and this scared his mother.  As her husband lay lifeless by her son's feet, she decided it was time to leave.  Stealing her youngest son from his room she left leaving Ziggy to fend for himself.  As the guards crashed through the doors to find their master dead, they moved to retaliate against Ziggy. Ziggy escaped into the shadows and relized he had no where else to go so he begain to walk.  A few hours down the road he was waylayed by bandits. The bandits were about to rob him until they realized this was just a kid and that there was something off about him.  The leader decided to offer Ziggy a place to live if he joined up with them. With no where else to go, Ziggy accepted the offer and lived among the brigands for the next three years until they disbanded.  Now 19 years old, Ziggy had to make his own way.


Amoura Goodsbane - wife
Connor Goodsbane - younger brother
Ziggy also has twin children, one boy and one girl.


I'm not going to bother with lights as I prefer everything to be kept in RP.  If he doesn't like something then he won't do it.

I will say that developing stories, PVP, Family lineage, character development are some of my favorite things.

OOC Chatter:

Player is tell friendly, and believe that all characters should pay for their IC actions.  IE If you are going to talk trash to an Orc don't be surprised if they attack you. Please note that I will not partake in any OOC drama.  It's a game, have some fun with it, but don't get all pissy OOC because someone put the moves on your girl.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human