Eoghan , Senechal of Light

OOC NOTICE: [[ Very friendly player! Loves to help his fellows out! Feel free to send me a tell if you'd like to talk, ask something about my character or the game in general, level together or...well, anything!]]

--==Basic Information==--

Name: Eoghan

Known as: Senechal of Light (Red), Wisdom of the First Seed (Green)

Race: Agathion, Draconal (Celestial)

Age: 23,000

Gender: Male {Red}, Female {Green}

Alignment: Neutral Good

Home Plane: Nirvana

Scale Coloration: Carmine whilst focusing red energy, leafy green whilst focusing green.

Current Eye Coloration: White Mottled Gold

Personality Traits: Protective, noble, benevolent and wrathful. {Red} || Wise, proud, balanced and prosperous. {Green}



As with all Draconals, Eoghan's appearance and general personality traits tend to differ depending on the scale coloration they take on after a long period of meditation - an event that rarely occurs. No matter what form they take, they take the form of a creature of either male or female gender that is a vivid mixture between a dragon, a serpent and a humanoid.

The most common of their forms, however, is the masculine red form, which in and of itself bares quite a striking visage. This tall form has bright red scales and a body that appears to be a colossal serpent with the upper body of a humanoid mixed with the head of a dragon, it's snout short and thick with noticeable whisker-like tendrils protruding from it's sides, trailing down to it's lower torso and protruding from the base of it's skull, the height equal. Said skull is also decorated with two large and rather flaring sets of fins, membrane slick and glistening with it's spines bone tipped and fine. His eyes are a mottled gold, with a brilliant glimmer radiating within them, most noticeable in darker lighting. His upper form is profoundly muscular, with dense red scales squeezed around his tense form,  his short and thick neck leading down to his broad and open shoulders, long arms ending in five fingered hands, each baring hooked and blackened claws. His chest and abdominal region displays noticeably traced musculature, due to the tightness of his scaly hide,  with a thickness visible along his chest and belly, running down to his serpentine lower form, where it turns from dark red to white and follows the same pattern as an underbelly. From his back sprout two large draconic wings, strong enough to lift his form off into the air if need be, and with a wingspan suitable to fully encompass himself at a whim.

His lower body is that of a carmine scaled serpent, sinewy and long, his trailing lower form appears to be trimmed with a fine set of red spines that extend from his lower back and down to his tail's tip. His white underbelly follows the entirety of his form until the very end, where it meets with his tail tip.  Along the upper region of this, where his hips would normally be located, is a subtly hidden genital slit, within which he stores his long and meaty hemipenal girths, this cloaca located quite noticably in the same spot within both forms.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Uknown