Aethelwulf the Saxon

Deep, crystal blue eyes peer out at the world with a demanding and regal stare, several scars honing over his face and cheek, some beastial in nature, others the work of a blade, it's clear this man was once a soldier once in his life. No fades are into this young man's skin, he cannot be more then thirty.

Although looking upon his face there is an attractiveness to his sheenly dark beard and dark, unkept hair.

Skin shadowed by a darker complexion, towering with shoulders, arms and chest heavyset with muscles.

Aethelwulf has a serious, intellectual tone and voice, and has a dark aged stylized of clothing, and armor, clothing mixed with dark steel mail, and nordic swords and axes.

((Note character is a commanding male, not a sub at all.))

Very Liked: Very tell friendly! Being approached, surprises, Prostitution, Breeding, Vanilla Sex, Women acting like sluts, gangbangs, breast-play, females, other races

I have a lot I enjoy so don't feel afraid to approach me in OOC or IC.

Like: Roleplay, adventure, conversations, BDSM,

Maybe: Shemale.

Dislike: Server rules, males, scat,

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human