
[[This player loves themselves some interaction! Feel free to send me a tell if you want to arrange any form of roleplay, get some assistance or just chat it up! Be it repeatedly murdering NPCs or indulging in some roleplay, I'm ready to hear you out! I am also available for any character developing roleplays or pre-plans.]]

+{Name}+: Y'thasmath
+{Known as}+: The Hated, Queen of Vengeful Beasts, Governess of Tumula
+{Race}+: Demon
+{Sex}+: Female
+{Age}+: {Died} 74, {Years in Abyss} 25,900
+{Domains}+: Paranoia, Dominion, Revenge
+{Alignment}+: Chaotic Evil
+{Homeplane}+: Abyss
+{Affiliations & Followers}+: Lamashtu (Commander), Gargoyles, Sociopaths, Vengeful beings, Intelligent Chimera Drow and (mostly red) dragons
+{Rank}+: Nascent Demon Lord

---+Summoning/Invoking Y'thasmath+---

Due to not yet attaining the rank of Demon Lord , and being a far ways away from that point, Y'thasmath's power is limited. However, those willing to invoke the demon may be able to gain her favor and the boons that come with it, as decided by her. Those willing to show devotion may also achieve her attention or even allegiance.

Method #1: Bathe yourself in blood belonging to the member of a race you have a strong dislike for. Writhe within it and cry out for their extermination until your voice is hoarse.

Method #2: Achieve sexual release before ripping the heart out of your partner and calling out Y'thasmath's name.

Method #3: Cast a figure of great renown and idolization as a liar and charlatan in the eyes of at least 10 people.

{[If you commit any of these acts In-Character and wish to invoke Y'thasmath, please send me a tell and I will get right to you! Rewarded spells and abilities are for IC use only.]}


%=$Physical Description$=%

When encountered in their true form, this vaguely chimeric female demon lord can be an awesome and terrifying sight to behold. Standing almost two times the height of a tall human being, the towering demoness is covered from head to toe with disheveled and oily black and grey fur, with burnished grey skin beneath it, with the faint odor of sweat and sulfur hovering around her. Her head bares a resemblance to both a caprine creature and a wild dog, baring the snout and face of a goat (yet lacking it's beard) with the long and sharp canines of a wolf. Within her maw lies a long, prehensile tongue that is slathered in thin spots, which may release boney spines from within capable of licking flesh appart. From her scalp extends a shoulder length mane of dark red hair, messily strewn about and moistened with oozing blood,often times sticking to the nape of her neck, pierced only by the elongated , mangled goat's horns that seem to also be stained by this everpresent sheen of blood. Atop her head are a set of pointed jackal ears, lively and swiveling. Her eyes are burnt black with their sockets looking almost seared, unsurprising considering the flames almost constantly pouring forth from within them, the flames licking high enough to touch the tips of her ears, yet do not seem to harm her body.

Her shapely, hairless torso is that of a traditionally fertile human woman, with large and plentiful bosoms, darkened teats and a distended ,plump belly baring a noticeably wide waistline, almost as if she were bloated from feed upon essence. Her fur continues upon each arm, both long and lanky with a fine musculature to each, their worn and callous hands baring five digits with claws baring the consistency of burnt bone, yet the sturdiness of steel. From her back arch two gigantic bat's wings, coated with a light layer of black fur and reaching an impressive wingspan, they seem to be worn with old wounds, however they still seem to be good enough to use. Alongside them are two extra sets of arms, each ending in bronze tipped claws that often times are invisible to all but those with True Sight. These arms may appear to be strong, however their true nature is frail and eternal, thus they can - at best - lift up to 25kg in weight.

Her furred lower body continues to appear more beastly then her torso, with her fur thickening in volume along her legs. Her hips are wide and ample, with a set of strong thighs hiding a dark skinned sex. Her thick, rounded backside can be a little hard to lay your eyes upon - for most would more be entranced by (or rather, weary of) the several foot long tail that extends from her lowermost back, baring a resemblance to the tail of a black scorpion, it's curved length ending in a profusely long and sturdy grey stinger caked with dried blood, on occasion giving a little flash of the woad blue poison that is held within it's sac.

Her legs are thick, muscular digitigrades with what appear to be semi-flexable black spines running along the backs of them. Her feet are in fact sharpened black hooves, her wild fur half draped over them, their edges chipped in odd places with what appear to be cavities within the middle of each hoof, almost akin to an extra set of mouths.

!!Lights!! - These reflect the character's lights along with a few of my own. Keep in mind these are not shared amongst all of my characters.


Sex which , in turn , leads to worthwhile IC consequences ||Beastly Intercourse || Demons, Devils and Daemons || Rough Intercourse || Defilement and/or corruption of the virtuous (sexual and non-sexual) || Intimidation (By and towards another) || Worship || Injury/physical pain during sex (Minor)


Capture and Binding (Magical) || Rape (Situational, I always ask for OOC permission) || Death (See previous)  


Your typical vore, scat & watersports || || Capture without any actual consent || Asking if she has a part of (Insert Race Here)? And if not, if she'd like a bit of it in her.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human