
Portrait Save
Name: Makk
Race: Half drow/orog
Gender: 100% Female, no dick, no chance of growing one.
Orientation: Generally straight but who knows.

Before you stands what seems to be a very tall, drow on steroids. At least until one looks a little closer and notes the decidedly orcish features up to and including tiny tusk-like teeth protruding slightly from her mouth.

A messy shock of silky white hair done up in braids and beads adorns her head and cascades down her back. The crown of silk framed a not entirely unpleasant face, tattooed and pierced in a rather tribal fashion, and a pair of ruby-red eyes.

While she has enough curve and the like to definitely say she -is- female, her feminine assets have suffered slightly in favor of muscle mass. That being said, still not completely unpleasant.

She tends to have little to say in general. Answers to questions given were short and to the point. Idle conversation is just as likely to receive a grunt in response as a word. This could possibly be because ...stereo-typically, Makk is not the brightest crayon in the box.  

Not many reds, no scat, don't break server rules, and don't be a douche, at least oocly. Douche it up IC that's fine. I am tell friendly but if your tell is just a request to hook up, sorry not interested. Do the work, meet me IC and we'll see what happens.

Also Yes she's a brute, she's big and tough and likes to break things, however, she's far more submissive when it comes to intimate things so don't expect her to be out raping and pillaging your kinky elves.
Player:The Wicked
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf