Enyavé Rwalilya

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 116
Sex: Female
Race: Elf (perhaps sun elf?)
Orientation: Bi-curious

Perhaps an unusual sun elf, her ears are much longer than that of most elves, and there is a natural luminescence in her eyes shining with a faint blue/velvet, her height also seems rather tall for her kind, though not to an unnatural degree.

Bright pale skin adorns her lithe and overly slender form, bright blonde hair very well cared for, she is rather unnatural so far as elves go, as if plastic made flesh.
There's also a sense of magic around her, as if she projects it like an aura...

Gore, Scat, Godmoding, please keep it realistic
Pregnancy, Permenant changes, Terrible extremes (I think I can have an open mind, but good lord, slow down with your maggot monsters!)
Roleplay(Makes everything much more enjoyable the more realistic it's kept) ERP(Normal RP takes precedent, though I go with the flow) Kinks, Force, Story, Dialogue, and if you're creative(not just rediculous, but effectively creative) you're winning points

Yes, she's a Warcraft "High Elf" or "Quel'Dorei" ...People seemed to like the idea and encouraged me to go this direction, so no, I'm not trying to cause a diplomatic incident for all you WoW haters =p
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf