
Portrait Save
The woman before you seems to be albino in nature. Pale pale skin and ice white hair suggest so anyway. However instead of the pink pigmentless eyes hers are soft blue pools with no visible whites or pupils.

While for all intents and purposes she seems human she is rather petite. A form and figure more akin to the elves. Standing no more than five feet in height if even that, her form is sleek and slender bearing just enough in the way of curves to ensure her femininity.

Looking upon her one might almost think they gazed upon an immaculately sculpted porcelain doll. Often dressed in some rich gown or another, her hair up and curled in a rather doll like manner. And yet despite this she seems to have an air of quiet pride about her.

It is rare to see her with out the company of her twin brother. While not identical they look enough alike to make no mistake of their relationship.


Reds: Scat

yellow: While open to anything, permanent anything must be role played through thoroughly.

Greens: RP! My favorite thing! Her favorite things are far darker in nature however. Feel free to send a tell.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf