
Portrait Save
First name: Christine
Last name: Nailo Vorel'Kosj'Aurix'Calti
Race: ...its complicated, lets simply say "Feline"
Subrace: Black Cat! (Again, let's keep stuff simple)
Gender: Female
Height: 4 ft
Weight: Just enough not to float away
Body type: Thin, slender, tomboyish
Occupation: Begginer mage, bookworm, librarian-in-making(?)
Home: Currently lives with her parents...kinda

Christine is a simple feline, not looking more predatory then your common house cat.

She's scrawny and short, neither her womanly qualities, nor her physical strength seems to have strong pressence withing her body.

Christines entire body is of course covered in layer of black fur, only exceptions being her paws, leg and arms alike. Her legs aren't bipedal, but straight, yet ending in kitty paws like stated before. Also, both of her paws have retractable claws.

Her head has a heart theme going on, as both her face and nose have such shape. Her hair is white, in contrary to the fur that covered her body. And in the end, set of two, big, fuzzy and curious ears lay on top of her head. Those are also her blushing points, as the insides of her ears would turn slightly red, in corellation of the blood rushing towards her face, normaly her blush covered by the fur covering her cheeks, would be betrayed by her white ears.

Also tail...and glasses!

Always properly dressed and never too far away from one of her books.

Player:Simple Cat
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf