
// Work in progress and might be subject to some changes and additions yet!//

Name: Henrietta (or Sister Henrietta)
Last Name: -
Age: Seemingly late 20's
Race: Human to naked eye
Gender: Female (You guessed it, magic can change that)
Height: 5'9
Disposition: Usually Dominant

A rather unusual nun, Henrietta seems like a young woman with a particularly fit figure. While by no means unattractive, her greatest asset was definitely her curvy, buxom yet athletic body. From strong, trained thighs to toned abdomen to firm shoulders and fairly strong-looking arms, she looks like someone who likely engages in rigorous and daily full-body exercise. However while clearly strong and athletic, she isn't a hulking mass of muscle, but rather just fit and swift. She walks with confident balance and grace, lacking the general everyday clumsiness of most people, as if every single thing she does was well-rehearsed, practiced and planned ahead. Her presence seemed to outright radiate vigor and health, almost visibly "full of life", one might say.

Shades of black and white seemed to be Henrietta's go-to choice of style. Her clothing always mainly black, with bits of white here and there, while her more natural features - eyes and hair - where snow-white in contrast. A rather unusual coloration to be sure, but her hair doesn't seem to be dyed. When looking into her eyes, one would have to peer very closely in proper lighting to notice that Henrietta did indeed have irises and pupils, but they were very, very pale white, as if covered by a milky sheen. Nonetheless, she does seem to be perfectly capable of perceiving her surroundings.
As a nun accustomed to monastic life, Henrietta seemed rather disciplined but not timid or sheltered in the least. If one was to guess based on her physique and demeanor, she would likely come off as more of a warrior nun or an inquisitor, than a simple woman of cloth.

--<[OOC Section:]>--

I'm not too interested in PvP, I don't build for PvP nor know how to. If that's what you're looking for, I'm not your girl. Roleplaying is what I'm here for, so let's try to stick to that.

As the bio states, Henrietta is a nun, albeit not one burdened by a vow of chastity. She has strong beliefs and has little issue imposing them. If you've a particular hunger for religiously themed RP, don't hesitate to poke me.


RED Lights: PvP for no reason, anything
permanent without my consent, children, OOC a-holes, Were-Penguins, Sabertoothlambs and Rubberducks.

YELLOW Lights: Romance & Relationship (This takes commitment and RP for me to bother), Vanilla, Submitting (I'm not good at that, I haven't got much experience with it. I'd disappoint you and embarass myself, so very picky whom she might sub to. Depends on my mood to try.)

GREEN Lights: If it's not above, it's likely a green then. Rape, humiliation,
rough, wild, passionate, anal, vaginal, oral, biting, scratching, pain, bondage, abduction, magic, D/S, S/M, discipline, punishments, training, religious taboos and more. The list goes on and on, and includes a lot of kinky, cruel and evil things. Ask if you wish to specify something.


I am not my character, even if she can be a bitch, I do my best not to be. I'm tell-friendly and according to wild rumors, friendly. I don't bite, so feel free to approach me or send a tell. Just don't get mad at me for what my character does. :)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human