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Looking grizzled and haggard this dwarf fit the bill in a particularly apt way in which an outsider might imagine his race to be portrayed. The similarities however seemed to abruptly end with the shorter, broad stature and length of coarse beard. A stocky, sturdy build lay beneath the trappings of a hunter by all appearances with his skin bearing all the hallmarks of a life spent amidst the outdoors in contrast to toiling away under some mountainous home.

Kitted out at any given time to that end, Koignar could often be found toting any manner of small game and pelts hanging from the dwarf's belt among the various pouches and vials, bundled up herbs likely for smoking and medicine alike all haphazardly tied up and kept secure to his armor and within easy enough reach. A knife could more often than not be found there as well and it's use was probably quite obvious.

There wasn't an axe, or hammer to be found upon this particular dwarf and instead his chosen weapon lay slung across his back and kept bound to his sturdy physique by way of a worn and aged leather strap across his chest, a crossbow of quite literally immense and ridiculous size as well as an equally as large quarrel of bolts adorned the hunter's back and he could often be seen in his down time toying with a few of the, relatively, gigantic sized bolts.
Player:unadmirable plans
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Dwarf