Chrysoveleda Urmicca

That boy ain't right.

+Table of Contents+
~Plain Biography
~Detailed Biography
~Traffic Lights
~OOC Notes

+Plain Biography+
Full Name~Chrysoveleda Urmicca.
Pronunciation~Cry-ss-AH-veh-la-da Er-mick-uh.
Race~Feytouched Elf.
Sex~Male. (Trap)
Age~Early First Century.
Height~1.42m / 4'8"
Build~Stereotypically thin, with some
~feminine subtleties across his form.
Eyes~Mismatched purple and blue, each with
~massive irises taking up much of the eye.
Hair~Long raven locks, with braids in the
~front, and either free flowing or pulled
~into a ponytail in the back.
Skin~Slightly pale with a pink tone to it,
~with pale scars of magical writing scribed
~into his otherwise delicate skin.
Jewelry~He wore so much of it, though
~much of it was dark in coloration, or
~colored with blues and violets.
Makeup~Black glossy lips, with a fair amount
~of makeup around his large eyes, and nails
~upon fingers and toes painted black.
Scent~Boasting an aroma of licorice and
~cinnamon, either from perfume or soaps.
Voice~An androgynous sound, with a bit of
~a lilt and a click to his words. It was
~mistakable for a female, but not quite.
Orientation~Mostly he was interested in
~men, although with some varying interests
~in the other sexes.

+Detailed Biography+

Chrys is a unique one, a feylike creature with a very eccentric look about him. He was what some might call a 'trap', or a girly boi. With his voice being mostly androgynous, and his style of dress, alongside his naturally feminine facial features, Chrys was hard to pinpoint upon first glance.

But alas, it was true, he had no breasts to be spoken of. Although his mental state regarding all of this was sort of unclear, his other eccentricities perhaps were more immediate attention-grabbers.

His ears were quite different from that of an elf's, being much larger and drooping down most of the time instead of the more rigid and angular appearance of an elf's ears. Each ear adorned with a multitude of piercings, matching the ones around his brow, lips, and tongue. All of them had a dark coloration to the metal.

His eyes were another signal of his not-so-elven heritage, not the mismatching colors, but purely how large and vibrant his eyes were! Each eye having an iris that took up nearly the entire eye, much like some animals.

Often wearing a big white wizard's hat to show off his magely magnificence, along with charms hanging from the brim of his very well-decorated hat. If his hat was nowhere in sight, it could be ...
right behind you! Ahh!

Often being clutched by his dainty hands, was a leather-wrapped staff with a strange orb atop it. The orb seemed inverted, like it defied the eye, by appearing as if one was looking at the inside of a sphere, no matter from what angle one peered in. That strange orb looked almost like a portal to the starry night sky, radiating the light of the stars.

+Traffic Lights+

+OOC Notes+
Nothing that I do in-character is done personally unto you as a player. Try to keep IC & OOC separate.

Search up ".lane" on for other characters.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf