Zhuge Liang


Race: Human, Chinese
Complexion: Mix of white and yellow
Eyes: Black
Hair: Covered by his helmet
Beard: Black medium goatee

Age: Mid to late 30s
Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight: 163 lbs (74 kg)
Build: Strong and thin

LIGHTS: RP to find out, but usually not interested in SRP.



Zhuge Liang, also known as Shén zhàn (Battle God), is a former general of the Liau dynasty. He led many men in numberless battles against the rival dynasty, Shui, always being victorious.

His godlike leadership ability rose him to the higherst honor level in the dynasty before the Emperor, becoming a renown general in the area. It also made him earn the "nickname" Shén zhàn.

However, when nearing the enemy capital, his troops were ambushed. Shui burned the local village that the army was resting in, generating several casualties, and many men deserted. Unwilling to surrender to the enemy, Zhuge Liang attempted retreating to the nearest ally outpost, but was easily halted by Shui.

When imprisoned, Liang was tortured many times, as Shui wanted the complete detailed information about the Liau troops and outposts, but Liang refused to tell them anything. As punishment, he was exiled in mid ocean, with few supplies.

The wind took Liang to the Dreaded Isles, when he was nearly dying. However, he did not give up, and started building his foothold in Sinfar, in order to restore his skills so that he can return to his service for the Liau dynasty.



Unlike most generals, Liang prefers to focus on team support, healing and buffing his allies in battle. He also deals high damage with his trustful Naginata, but he prefers to stay behind the frontline, healing warriors and damaging eventual enemies that come across.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human