
This man stands 6' tall has dark brown hair and looks to be in his early 20's with pale skin. His face if you can see it has been split ear to ear but has been sutured shut. The suturs look old and worn but they still do their job.

He wears a headband around his neck that reads "Dina'Er" to anyone that speaks Drow/Undercommon that translates to "Silent One."

He has scars and tattoos all over his body. The tattoos look to be Drow and to any astute person they could be deciphered. The tattoos range from necromantic symbolism to markings of ownership by a long gone Drow house, meaning he is free for the taking.

RED:Gore/Vore, scat, men.

Yellow: Ha, I only see black and white apparently or in this case red and green.

Green: Everything exept what is stated above.  

White: Herms, Non-human and monster types, rape (recieving).

This player is very tell friendly.
Player:The Iron Player
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human