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Race: Golem
Height: 10 feet
Weight: 1.5 Tons
Sex: Modeled as female
Age: Indecipherable

The shine of this Golem first brings metal to mind-but the clouding glimmer of its luster, on closer inspection, indicates a Pearl composition-though how it was molded would be a technique difficult for even talented artificers. A greater question is how, without any externally obvious joints, the Golem appears to move fluidly as if it were in fact a being of skin and bone.

The woman depicted is young, beautiful, tall and perhaps a bit idealized in physique. The expression, stunningly, can change as the Golem interacts with those around it, providing identifiable impersonations of moods that are quite natural for those truly living.
When interacting more closely with the Golem, it becomes all the more apparent that it is not simply a programmed construct-it indicates at least a small measure of identity and thought...
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human