Keetha the Key

Portrait Save
Lithe and petite, this Ruar-tel-quessir poses no threats to anyone around her at first, second, or third glance. At barely 5' 2'' and 80 lbs., she looks thin and immensely fragile, with an almost androgynous figure that is subdued and timid. Her elven blood is made more evident by the tips of pointy ears poking out of silver hair that is always disheveled and messy.

Tiny, fey-like pieces of fabric that leaves little to the imagination cover her here and there, almost always a little stained or torn. Even her face, with cute and feminine features, are often with small scratches or scrapes. Doe-like and almost luminous silver eyes tinted with blue are often inflamed and swollen from crying, and lines of old tear-stains often drop down flushed cheeks. Perpetually downcast, she rarely meets anyone's gaze, seeming uncomfortable beneath another's stare.

The young elf's lush, heart-shaped lips can also sometimes be seen burning red or swelled from whatever activities would cause it, though she is often seen chewing nervously on her lower one. A smile was never truly witnessed on her face, unless forced.

When she is stripped of her garments, her body is equal to the first impressions; willowy and frail, exuding the impression that she might break if receiving even so much as a harsh glance. Her body, generally marble-smooth and completely hairless, holds a few scrapes and bruises in typical areas such as the knees and elbows. Her breasts were as small and delicate as the rest of her slight figure.

A tiny birthmark, a shade or two darker than her fair complexion, sits just below the thumb on her right hand. It can, at a stretch, be seen as a peculiar key-like shape.


Those with an aptitude of sensing magic:

These people would find the lithe and humble female to be a sheer conduit for raw, untainted magic. It was not a visible force. Had it been, she may very well have blinded the onlooker. Rather, it is a very, very carefully concealed sense of power that emits from within the little elf's very being.

Extremely hard to focus on, only an Archmage of undisputed knowledge and concentration could be capable of noticing the way the very air around her seemed to subtly shift, twitch, crackle and pop; as though the great Continuum of Time itself became distorted in her presence.


Flashy lights for your convenience:
(Not mandatory or conclusive.)

Curious? Questions? Plotting plots?
I'm tell-friendly.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf